Finish What You Started!
Lead KPIs for Decision Makers to Increase Focus & Execution Efficiency
- 11.08.2023

A CEO's Guide to Navigating the Monkey Mind in a World of Ever-Increasing Digital Distractions
In recent years, the topic of agility, flexibility and the ability to pivot to cater customer needs has become so popular that many companies have become counterproductive trying to prove to be an 'agile' organisation. In fact, in many cases, companies, especially the small ones, are downright failing as their decision makers continue to chase the shiniest flying object at arms-length reach while completely forgetting to execute on their mid & long-term commitments that they promised their company and its stakeholders only a short time earlier.
Having a strong dependency on our partner network consisting of small consulting companies looking to leverage our technology and be our ambassadors in bringing our value offering to the market, we have seen our fair share of partnerships launch strong only to fizzle out as their leaders change gears midway through our collaboration. There are several reasons why this may happen but the majority of the time is due to lack of stamina, discipline and focus which results in our original road map getting binned thus wasting the time, energy and effort of our team and theirs.
If you are a true decision maker for which in each decision you make there is a significant impact on the workday of those around you, chances are that your list of things that you would like to do is far greater than the resources you have at your disposal to do them.
It is important you are deeply aware of this fact and consider it in your planning and make note that every iteration to your tactical daily strategy has a certain cost on productivity and stakeholder morale.
Strategic Focus In A Digital Jungle
Stay hungry, stay foolish. -Steve Jobs
Consider the scenario of a CEO of a small company who succumbs to the allure of last-minute networking opportunities masquerading as game-changing collaborations. This penchant for the flavour of the month can inadvertently disrupt carefully laid plans causing misalignment and wasted resources. As CEOs find themselves ensnared in a web of digital distractions, the very essence of disciplined decision making can erode.
The concept of the "monkey mind," a term borrowed from Buddhist philosophy perfectly encapsulates the erratic nature of our thoughts. Like a restless primate swinging from branch to branch, our minds can lead us astray if left unchecked. While the monkey mind has its merits; fuelling creativity, innovation, and outside-the-box thinking, it can quickly become a double-edged sword. In a world awash with digital noise, it's easy to be ensnared by the next captivating idea, the next shiny object, and the next opportunity that promises immediate gratification.
For leaders, harnessing the power of the monkey mind requires a delicate balance. While it can lead to breakthroughs and novel insights, it must be tamed and directed toward a focused purpose. Steve Jobs' famous quote, "Innovation is saying no to 1,000 things," speaks to the discipline required to silence the distractions and channel creativity into a meaningful direction. It highlights how for every new opportunity put on your radar, you are reducing your level of focus, concentration, and quality dedicated to the outstanding commitments already promised to your team.
In other words, your 'monkey-mind' for which you often rely on to bring creativity and out-of-the-box thinking to your brainstorming sessions can also become your biggest enemy if you don't keep a tight watch on it. This is especially true in these times of great digital noise and distraction.
Small companies are places where there are very few controls in place to tame the monkey minds of the decision makers. Over the years, it would be an understatement to say that I have seen my fair share of company leaders that just can't deliver on their commitments. As time passes, inaction becomes more accepted as scattered thinking becomes a valid excuse to pursue the path of least resistance rather than take their obligations head on.
The more time that passes, the more the monkey mind becomes a crutch to the distracted and scattered thinking (aka monkey minds) becomes more of a valid excuse for those who prefer to take on their obligations head on.
A Call for Disciplined Leadership
At the heart of disciplined leadership lies a commitment to finishing what you started. It's about resisting the allure of the "flavour-of-the-month" management style and redefining success beyond fleeting wins. Decision makers must lead by example demonstrating the power of concentration, persistence, and resilience.
The discipline of focused execution extends beyond personal habits; it permeates the entire organisational culture. When leaders prioritise long-term objectives over short-term impulses, their teams are more likely to follow suit. By setting a precedent of steadfast commitment, decision makers instil a sense of purpose and direction that cascades throughout the organisation.
To succeed in business requires patience, stamina and concentration especially in execution. If you catch your decision makers allocating all of their efforts chasing last-minute quick wins without showing evidence of focus and discipline to their mid & long-term objectives, this is a big red flag that should be addressed at the board level.
In short, to win in business requires playing the long game. Similar to achieving excellence in the field of sport and athletics, business excellence requires daily dedication and leadership keeping your team focused on the wins that will come tomorrow from the sacrifices made today.
If your management team, in particularly your CEO is not ready to stay disciplined in providing the necessary daily housekeeping to ensure your company stays organised, nimble, and focused on the promises you made to your stakeholders, there is a good chance your company will stay mediocre at best until its last days which are likely to be sooner than later.
Lead KPIs for CEOs and other Decision Makers that will increase focus & execution efficiency
In today's modern times, there is no excuse for not having an efficient KPI reporting system to manage your small business and no serious management team should accept spreadsheets as their tool of choice. As the options to digitise and report performance in real-time are now endless, the companies of the future should ensure they have at least one C-Suite leader who is making sure their organisation is not letting the digital transformation train pass them by.
This is great news for decision makers as gone are the days of guessing and performance uncertainty.
With the right digital solution embedded in your company's leadership strategy you can now easily quantify where your efforts are most valuable to the company and where they are costing the most time. In doing so, you will take action quicker and with greater confidence.
To the KPI-hungry who truly understand the value of performance and aim consistently to optimise their management reporting discipline, this article is for you.
In my 8 years leading an operational excellence software-as-a-service firm I have developed and fine-tuned my own customised KPIs that allow me to stay focused on my strategic objectives which extend far beyond a professional setting.
By dedicating 5-10 minutes a day to observation (KPI capture) and 1-2 hours a month to reflection (KPI review), I have found the following Lead KPI set to work wonders on my concentration to stay focused in times of high distractions.
Lead KPIs for Decision Makers
- # of reviews of open issues per strategic initiative (OKR)
- # of minutes spent with clients
- # of minutes spent with prospective clients
- # of minutes engaged in structured, deep flow-focused R&D activities
- # of minutes engaged in sport
- # of minutes engaged in mindfulness / relax activities (e.g. meditation, beach, etc.)
- # of minutes dedicated to back-office administrative housekeeping
- # of minutes dedicated to operational readiness (e.g. ensuring clients are provided with news, latest job aids, etc.)
- # of minutes dedicated to marketing & outreach
- # of minutes dedicated to reflection and lessons learnt (aka publishing an article)
As a side note, one of the most wonderful discoveries you will find when keeping a well-groomed set of lead KPIs as part of your daily routine are the benefits that go with daily knowledge retention discipline.
In essence, by committing to jot down a daily record of your activities along with any insights and contemplations, you're not only tracking your efforts but also highlighting areas that might require extra focus. This practice leads you to realise that Peter Drucker's adage, 'What doesn't get measured doesn't get improved,' extends well beyond just evaluating outcomes. It encompasses the daily reminder that you bear the responsibility of upholding a specific quality standard within your company.
Conclusion: The Journey Towards Disciplined Excellence
In a world of ceaseless distractions and instantaneous gratification, the art of disciplined leadership stands as a beacon of unwavering commitment. CEOs and decision makers must recognise the perils of choice overload and the siren call of quick wins while also acknowledging the power of their own "monkey minds." Harnessing the creative potential of the monkey mind requires tempering it with discipline channelling its energy towards purposeful pursuits.
The integration of Lead KPIs empowers decision makers to navigate the labyrinth of choices with precision. By embracing metrics that underscore strategic commitment, value-driven pursuits, alignment, and execution resilience, leaders amplify their ability to shape a future defined by focused execution and enduring success.
In the relentless pursuit of business excellence, the path less traveled demands courage, resilience, and a steadfast commitment to finishing what one starts. As decision makers lead by example, they inspire their organisations to embrace the long game recognising that greatness is not attained through momentary victories but through the unwavering dedication to a vision that stands the test of time.
BONUS TIP: Swallow a frog daily to boost performance
The "swallow the frog" mentality is a concept often associated with time management and productivity. It refers to the idea of tackling the most challenging or unpleasant tasks first thing in the day, metaphorically referred to as "swallowing the frog," so that the rest of the day can be spent on more manageable or enjoyable tasks. Embedded in my close-of-day ritual for next-day planning is the swallow-the-frog activity schedule ensuring that prior to turning off my laptop, there is at least one 'swallow the frog' activity scheduled in my diary for early morning. By embracing this approach, you're setting yourself up for a day of meaningful accomplishments, enhanced focus, and a sense of achievement ultimately leading to a more productive and fulfilling work routine.